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The Semetrix mindset

As a Web3 marketing accelerator, Semetrix focuses on bolstering the marketing initiatives of startups in the blockchain and decentralised technology sector. Our program is designed to provide startups with tailored marketing strategies, expert guidance, and industry-specific promotional tools. This comprehensive support system aids startups in effectively navigating and excelling in the distinct Web3 market landscape. Our accelerator plays a pivotal role in enhancing visibility, fostering brand development, and engaging communities, thereby empowering businesses to thrive in the rapidly evolving Web3 space.

“Launching a token in today's market is akin to setting sail in uncharted waters; it demands more than just a vision – it requires a tactical edge. This is where the role of the Semetrix accelerator becomes indispensable. With our blend of strategic expertise, industry insights, and dedicated support, we don't just launch your token; it propels it into the market with the force and precision needed to thrive in the competitive blockchain arena”

Influencer Marketing

Leveraging influencers in the crypto and blockchain space can be a highly effective strategy. Influencers already have established audiences, which can help in reducing marketing costs and increasing brand awareness.

Public Relations

Managing public relations to build a positive brand image and handle communication with media and stakeholders effectively.

Consulting & Advisory

Offering strategic consulting and advisory services in areas like tokenomics, blockchain technology, and smart contract strategies.

Community Building

For Web3 projects, community building is especially vital. This can be achieved through platforms like Telegram and Discord, where direct relationships with community members can be fostered.


Effective branding is crucial in differentiating a Web3 accelerator’s offerings. This encompasses elements like the company name, logo, color theme, slogans, and overall narrative.

Content Marketing

This includes creating and distributing valuable content to attract and engage a target audience. Formats can range from newsletters and blogs to social media posts and videos. Quality content is more important than quantity, as it drives user engagement and product awareness.


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“Their technical knowledge is second to none and I will be using them in future activities.”

Roni Liberman, Managing Partner – A-Labs Ventures