The future of Web3 Marketing - a changed landscape for sure….

In the early days of the internet, users had to rely on a variety of different software and services to accomplish even simple tasks. For example, to play an online game, you would have to purchase the game, download it, and then connect with your friends using IRC (Internet Relay Chat) or Ventrollo. This was the world of Web1, a decentralised platform that allowed for a wide variety of different services and applications to coexist.

Fast forward to today, and many of the tasks that once required multiple different software and services can now be accomplished on a single platform, such as Twitch or Discord. This is the world of Web2, where giants like Meta and Google have consolidated a wide range of services into a single website or application.

But now, a new era is dawning: the era of Web3. Unlike its predecessor, Web3 is built on the idea of decentralisation, which means that users have more control over their data and the power is not consolidated in the hands of a few large companies. Web3 is supported by the existing frameworks of Web2, so there is no need to upgrade from one to the other.

Greetings Web3

Web3, also referred to as "the new internet," is a term used to describe a brand new version of the internet that offers decentralisation as an option. You may have heard about this new internet, but how does Web3 integrate into our daily lives? The answer is simple: through user behaviour.

While it may sound like a natural progression from Web2, like the move from 3G to 4G, Web3 is not an upgrade from the previous version of the internet. Instead, it exists simultaneously and is supported by the existing frameworks of Web2. This means that users do not need to upgrade their systems or devices to access and utilise the new features of Web3.

Why Web3

Another way that Web3 is integrated into our lives is through the use of decentralised technologies, such as blockchain. These technologies allow for the creation of decentralised networks and applications that operate without the need for a central authority. This means that users can interact directly with each other, rather than having to go through a central server or third-party intermediary.

The rise of Web3 is driven by a growing awareness of the dangers of BigTech overreach. Many people are now interested in building tools that give power back to users and create more equitable systems.

One example of this is the way that companies like Meta collect vast amounts of data on the backs of consumers, and then use that data to consolidate their platform and gain a monopoly in the market. This can lead to a situation where a single entity has a tremendous amount of power and control over people's online experiences.

Web3 offers a solution to this precarious system. By using decentralised technologies, such as blockchain, Web3 allows creators to deal directly with users and cut out the middlemen. This means that creators can earn a fair share of the revenue generated by their work, rather than having to rely on centralised platforms like YouTube, where they only receive 55% of the advertising revenue.

Additionally, Web3 offers greater privacy and control over our personal data. Every time we go online, sites like Facebook and YouTube collect our data and sell it to other companies. With Web3, we can choose which platforms we use and how much information we share with them, rather than having our data distributed without our consent.

Overall, the strive for Web3 goes beyond privacy. It's about giving people the power to control their own online experiences and creating more equitable systems that do not give too much power to a single entity.

Key Features of Digital Marketing in Web3:

Web3 is a new version of the internet that offers several key benefits over previous versions, such as Web1 and Web2. Some of these benefits include:

  1. Artificial intelligence: Web3 uses natural language processing (NLP) to interpret data in a more reliable and consistent way. This opens up new possibilities for digital marketing campaigns that rely on human behaviour to target audiences.

  2. Decentralisation: One of the key features of Web3 is decentralisation. This means that data is not held in a single, centralised database, but is instead spread out across multiple locations. This makes it harder for hackers to access and manipulate data.

  3. No middlemen: Web3 allows individuals to take control of their own data, enabling them to directly exchange value with each other without the need for intermediaries. This can help protect users from security breaches and information manipulation.

  4. No external authorisation: Users on Web3 no longer have to rely on third-party authorisation to access data. This means that users can securely view and share data without having to share their personal information or biometrics with third parties.

Overall, Web3 offers a number of benefits over previous versions of the internet, including improved security, privacy, and control over our personal data.

The Impact of Web3 on Digital Marketing

The buzz around Web3, NFTs, and the Metaverse is hard to escape these days. Many people are asking questions about what these technologies mean for digital marketing and social media-based promotional campaigns.

Web3 is being marketed as a smarter and more sophisticated version of its predecessors, and is targeted at users who want to have a more immersive and interactive experience with brands and products. It is likely that Web3 will be integrated into digital marketing campaigns in the future, offering new opportunities for engaging with customers and promoting products in a more interactive and personalised way.

Digital Marketing in the Metaverse

The Metaverse is a new digital space that allows users to interact with each other in a more immersive and personalised way. Unlike previous versions of the internet, the Metaverse offers unbounded access and the ability to create and explore alternative spaces.

However, this new space also comes with its own challenges. For example, the ability to access and communicate with people in different locations is dependent on space and geography.

Despite these challenges, the Metaverse is here to create a surrounding and immersive space for consumers. It combines the marketing lessons of Web1 and Web2 to create a mature and sophisticated experience on the internet for users. By offering unbounded access and personalised interactions, the Metaverse has the potential to revolutionise the way we communicate and engage with each other online.

Marketing using tokens

Marketing is all about engaging with people and delivering your message in a way that is relatable, likeable, and authentic. In the future, the success of a brand's marketing will depend heavily on the authenticity of its marketing campaigns.

Tokens and Web3 marketing take this idea to the next level by allowing users to have an equal stake in the engagement, buying, and selling of products. This can help create a more authentic and personalised experience for users, and can lead to more successful marketing campaigns.

In summary, the future of marketing will rely on authenticity and the ability to create personalised, engaging experiences for users. Tokens and Web3 technology can help brands achieve these goals and create more successful marketing campaigns.

To sum up:

Blockchain and cryptocurrency went from being considered pipe dreams to billion-dollar innovations because they enabled universal ownership and direct linkages. As more brands discover NFT markets and seek to build authentic communities with their customers, we are seeing a shift towards Web3 marketing.

While we are still in the early stages of understanding how to market on Web3, it is clear that the biggest net gainer of this process will be the user. By offering universal ownership and direct linkages, Web3 technology has the potential to create more engaging and personalised marketing experiences for users.

In conclusion, the journey towards Web3 marketing is likely to be filled with trials and errors. However, the ultimate goal of this technology is to empower users and create more authentic, engaging communities.


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